In the normal game, the deal hand were be rotates clockwise among the players of the poker game. In the casino game, the house dealers were is handle the cards. That means it was be in the hand of the players. This was being rotate in the clockwise direction of the players till the end of the game. This were be indicates the dealers to determine the order of betting. The poker table was being round in clockwise direction. In the poker game one or the two players were forced to bet while they playing games. Then the dealers were being shuffled the cards and drop the cards to the players chair to their right cuts.
The dealers were deals the lot of cards and also sometimes replace the card. All the bets are placed in the central pot after the end of the poker game. During the betting round, one player needs to bet. And that time no other opponents need to choose the match. All the opponents need to fold. The better were be pot at the end of the game. No other cards are needed to be required. This were be makes the players for the bluffing possible. The feature of the poker is the bluffing. This game is vary from the other games. These were being made use of the poker hand rankings.
At the end of the last betting, more one player was being available then the game is showdown. For more details .